THIRD ARC BEGINS _____ Investment Potential and Bias Analysis of Conan Issues (Bronze Age) #1 to 25 and 37
Investment Potential and Bias Analysis of Conan Issues (Bronze Age) #1 to 25 and 37 We begin our analysis of Conan from the Bronze Age. I ask you to read back through the different stats I have developed to determine the comics that are favored by the top comic book investors aka the Insiders vs the fans aka the Outsiders. I developed the Stat I call the Bias score. In Table 1 I list the Conan issues 1 to 25 and 37. Lime Green issues are those issues that are very biased and strongly desired by the Insiders. The only issues of this type is Conan #1 with a B Score of 162. It quickly drops to 53. That score is still positive and implies a solid issue to focus on. We have the dark green issues with a somewhat Bias are, 3, 5, 7 10, 23, and 25. These are issues to watch for a bargain. Note a lot of issues in the negative and those are to be avoided. Table 1 B Score of the Conan Issues #1 to 25 and 37. We move down further into the worlds of the I/O and have denoted the issues to f